So you’re a lawyer… and you’ve got a law practice… BUT are you operating your business plan or is your business operating you? We’ve seen it once… in fact, we see it all the time. The money is flying out to your venders, but you’re not really clear who you paying for what. You’ve got leads coming in, and the phone is ringing, but your unclear on what’s ringing the phone, and less sure what’s happening to the potential customers that have slipped through the cracks while you were on the other line. STOP spinning your wheels and contact Top Shelf Legal for a comprehensive systems analysis. We understand your not an IT person, or a marketing person, but in your firm, YOU’RE the CIO, CTO, CMO, and a few C’s we might be leaving out. We can help you sort out the differences between domain registration, website hosting, and email service. We’re experts at clarifying the difference between SEO efforts, Pay Per Click advertising, Lead Generation and Lead Purchasing. If you’re buried beneath the weight of your business administration, contact Top Shelf Legal today to discuss creating your Operational Disaster Documentation. We can help you wrangle the business of your law practice into a set of systems, protocols, and documentation to make managing your business growth, and your expectations a breeze.